Monday, October 12, 2009


I decided to start this blog to discuss those things in life that just seem to blow up in our face.  I started using this analogy in my leadership training.  I have found that building a leadership culture requires people to see what can go goes wrong.  Avoiding the minefields.  It has been far more successful than teaching the 3, 5, 12 or whatever lessons of leadership.  People learn leadership by learning to see how their immediate actions will play out in the long run.

I find way too many examples in organizations today where the company does the expedient thing today and then wonders why employees aren't supportive in the future.  In this down many companies will lay off employees fully expecting that when the economy turns they will line up at the door.  The odds are the really good employees will have found a job elsewhere.  They just stepped into a minefield.  Not only will the companies turn around be slower, since they will have to train new people, but those left will see how short- sighted the company was and how dedicated the company was to the employees.

This blog provides the opportunity to share minefields and learn from each other.